We put “transformation” in our name. Why?

We believe there’s a moral case for transformation that senior living leaders have a duty to respond to

Communities are a hotel, restaurant and hospital

Historically a social and hospitality model

People 80+ will double by 2040

12-15 chronic conditions/ illnesses

85%+ turnover rate

CMS has a value-based mandate by 2030

1 million units needed by 2024

4th decade in industry

12+ medications

20 million workers needed by 2040

70% of healthcare spending is on seniors

Fragmented technology and service model

20% of GDP is healthcare

81% middle-income seniors unable to afford senior living by 2029

Our Purpose

Meet each generation of seniors with the care and love they deserve

A Different Kind of Company
–The SLTC Story

You’d be hard pressed to find a more influential figure in the senior living industry than our founder, Arnie Whitman. For more than 40 years, Arnie has directed $8.5 billion into senior care real estate and healthcare technology, establishing himself as a true icon of innovation.

In the first decades of his career, Arnie focused on real estate. He took a nontraditional, highly customized approach that helped Formation Capital bring new and innovative capital to the senior care industry. Later, he recognized that our industry was being left behind as technology progressed in other healthcare verticals. That’s when he founded the first venture capital firm focused on supporting healthcare/aging technology for our industry, and since then has invested personally in countless healthcare technology startups.

These decades of experiences investing in disparate verticals planted a seed in Arnie. He wondered:

What would be possible if we stopped working in silos and brought capital and care together in one company?

Then life dealt Arnie some serious personal health challenges. His life-threatening experiences brought home our healthcare system’s shortcomings. With sharpened vision and a renewed focus on his generational responsibility, Arnie assembled a dream team of partners, each with their own strong track record, to challenge the status quo and innovate senior care from the inside out.

Founded in 2024, SLTC is more than a company; it’s a mission.

We as senior living leaders have a generational responsibility to innovate a superior model of care for America’s seniors. We recognize that healthcare is one of the most complex systems humans have ever built. Our deep understanding of the interdependencies and relationships among all stakeholders allows us to dismantle outdated models and rebuild them more effectively. This represents a radical departure from today’s approach, aiming to revolutionize senior care by synthesizing decades of industry insights into a single, potent entity.

As we unite to form a truly distinct firm, we recognize that no precedent exists for what we are building. SLTC is designed to resolve the systemic issues that hinder the quality of senior care. With a pioneering spirit and commitment to excellence, we are setting a new standard, ensuring seniors receive the compassionate, dignified care and love they deserve.

Our Values

Lead with Love

Lead with Love - For a path this ambitious, love has to lead the way. Otherwise, there’s too many obstacles. With love as our fuel source, we’re able to access a bigger energy that moves beyond fear.

Seek Radical Alignment

We want to operate in such a way that the interests of others are equally important as our own interests.
We’re willing to do the things no one 
else has done, because we’re going somewhere no one else has been. (And we need everyone to come with us.)

Play the Long Game

So much of what drives today’s healthcare and financial systems is toxic short-termism. The system our seniors deserve must have a different orientation to time. It takes time to drive outcomes, and gain access to risk. We believe playing the long game creates the best returns.

Systems Thinking

We’re trying to transform the most complex system humans have ever built—healthcare. There’s an incredible amount of interconnectedness and interdependencies in what exists today. We have to build solutions that reflect this complex web called “senior care.”

Embrace Evolution

It’s human nature to resist change and stick with the status quo. But in the business of transformation, we have to be willing to consistently and purposely evolve. We commit to dance with the ever-emerging future.

The Transformational Investor

It’s time for a new era

radical new thinking is needed

Transforming Capital

your capital partner should care about health outcomes

Transforming Care

your care model should create financial rewards

The Transformational Investor

transforming the capital and care models for the senior living industry

Meet Whit

Whit is a torchbearer, carrying the spirit of America’s seniors high and passing it forward to future generations.

The Torch

The torch includes the letters T & I, representing Whit’s commitment to transformational investing.

The Generational Flame

An open heart, on fire with love

The flame includes the letters G & L, representing a senior’s Good Life—the life they want to be living and can be living.

The light from the flame shines in the dark recesses of the American healthcare and financial systems.

Our flame never stays constant. It’s always evolving, and so are the people that we serve.

The Golden Ratio

The torch-to-flame ratio is built upon phi. Found in nature and design, the golden ratio’s harmony is inherently pleasing, making it essential for creating balanced, virtuous systems.

The Flow

The T (and the other letters of the SLTC logo) represent channeling the world’s resources to the benefit of America’s seniors.

Unlock a better future for your business and the seniors you serve